Monday, June 6, 2011

player x is a punk

"please sit down channing frye i do not want to embarass you anymore"

A while back I tried to read a column on Unfortunately, it was an insider article so I could not read it because I am not about to pay however much a month to help ESPN rip off the DP show some more -- 10 second mark. This saddened me. My buddy, a Miami Heat fan (don't hold that against him) does have it though, and after numerous hours of trying to find the column written by Player X, I sat down for the read. The Art of Trash-Talking, headlined by none other than Kevin Garnett. 
     Believe me, I know KG talks the most trash out of anyone currently in the league. AND I LOVE IT. I'm also not naive enough to believe that KG doesn't from time to time if not crosse the line, definitely tip toe it. Although I find it quite hysterical, that he once told a LA Laker ball boy that he'd have a better chance of finding Bin Laden than getting an autograph from him. I understand how some could take offense to that, but c'mon people it's Boston v. LA!
     If anyone honestly believes he called Charlie Villanueva a cancer patient than you bust really have it out for Garnett. Coach Doc Rivers vouched for him clearly stated that he did not in any way shape or form say he had cancer, but he was a cancer to this league, which if you asked most people would be spot on. How about you cry some more Charlie, what's said on the court should be left on the court.
    He may be a bit out of line from time to time, but he is most certainly not a "punk" or a "coward" . For the most part KG talks to himself, as weird as that may be, to pump himself up. There's no way in hell you can question Garnett's passion and hunger for success and teamwork.

1:40 to 2:50 mark

     Listen, call me old fashioned, but if you don't like the NBA and the trash talking, physical style of play that goes on now, watch the Bad Boy Pistons or the Knicks vs. anybody in the 90's. Why don't you go ahead and ask Kurt Rambis how he felt after Kevin Mchale tried taking his head off?
     The shit that goes on now couldn't hold a candle next to what took place back then. So you can just get the hell out. And if you disagree with me, just take a listen below to Mark Jackson and the unparalleled Jeff van Gundy who know a thing or two about basketball. I just hope to God that "Player X" is not Joakim Noah or Andrew Bogut. 

If you can honestly tell me you don't want a 14 time All-Star, League MVP, Defensive MVP and numerous time All-NBA First Team Defense player like Kevin Garnett on your team, i'll let you punch me in the groin a la Channing Frye style. 
     In the words of Ron Burgundy, "Go fuck yourself Player X."

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