Monday, April 25, 2011

messed around and got a triple double

rajon rondo making new york knick defenders look silly
A weekend filled with NBA playoff basketball games couldn't have gone any better. Not only did the #rondo and the Celtics dismantle the New York Knicks Friday night in Game 3 and eventually being the first team to sweep a series in this year's playoffs, BUT THEY WERE THE FIRST TEAM TO SWEEP A SERIES IN THIS YEAR'S PLAYOFFS!

Of course this doesn't get you any bonus points in the long run, but it is a huge step to getting the C's back on track and looking like a contender again instead of an old washed up team with Jermaine O'Neal on their team. Dear oh dear. 
The Celtics played a very good first two games in Boston. Heading to New York after scraping away two wins thanks to Ray Allen's clutch shooting again, I was a tid bit worried. Rondo was I wrong! 15 points, 20 assists and 11 rebounds later.. I was already looking forward to the Thunder in the FINALS! Okay I wasn't really but I was feeling much better about a Celtic's team in which most "experts" were saying could very well bow out of the playoffs very early. Boy am I glad they get paid a whole lot of money to be wrong. Ca'moane C's!

It took me four painfully long games of cheering for the Pacers and numerous weeks of growing out my devastatingly creepy mustache aka the Larry Bird for the Bulls to finally drop a game. After leading what seemed liked 190 of the possible 192 minutes through four games and then being outscored by plus 28 in the fourth quarter, the Pacers finally squeaked out a victory over the Bulls.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not a complete idiot. I know that Derrick Rose will play on his "hobbled" ankle in Game 5, he will have a mind boggling statline, the Bulls will win the series, play inspired against what looks like will be the Atlanta Hawks (seriously? Kirk Hinrich) and be waiting in the Eastern Conference Finals for the beat up winner of the Heat-Celtics series.

But it was awesome to see the Bulls struggle to get past the 8th seeded under .500 Larry Legend built Indiana Pacers. Whom if you would have asked any and every Bulls fans at the start of the series they would have told you the series would be over in three games because the Bulls would win every game by 30 and making the Pacers not want to even show up for an embarrassing game four, inevitably leading David Stern to a complete mental meltdown only Rory McIllroy could explain.

I'm just glad the Bulls didn't sweep okay. Proving to everyone that yes the Bulls won the regular season but, that was just the regular season. Basically what I'm trying to say Bulls fans is that you are not the 1995-1996 Chicago Bulls. Michael Jordan is not on your team and at the end of the day Keith Bogans is in your starting lineup.

hows your eye dwayne wade?
Speaking of not sweeping their cakewalk series. (Did I mention the battered old Celtics did sweep their series? Just checking) The Miami Heat, whom I still think will make it out of the East, couldn't seal the deal on the 76ers this weekend either. The icing on the cake had to have been Jrue Holiday and Lou Williams burying two "no-no-no don't shoottttttt - YESSS!!!!" three point jumpers in the last minute of the game when D-Wade and LeBron couldn't find a way to to put the basket in the hoop. LeBron, seriously, please make a damn last minute shot!

Couldn't go without saying that the West is an absolute "what the f--- is going on here" mess of a show. The Grizzles have a 2-1 lead on the Spurs, dominant. The Thunder are on their way to a series sweep of a Melo-less Thuggets. And Brandon Roy is somehow finding a way to help out the TrailBlazers past the Dallas Nowitzski's, on two bad knees! 

And that about wraps it up. Oh wait. The Lakers are tied with the Hornets. What?!?!?! The New Orleans Hornets??? They still have a team??? This puts such a smile on my face. Charles Barkley summed it up best on this mornings Dan Patrick Show when asked if he thought the Lakers were just simply being out hustled. His response, "That's turrrrible." No that's not really what he said. "The Lakers are always out hustled," Charles mumbled, "but they can be because they were always that much better than everyone. Maybe father of time is finally catching up with them this time though." Well put Chuck. Well put.

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