Friday, August 5, 2011

studio gangster

Steve Powers is an exceptional graffiti artist from New York City.  Makes for great inspiration. And laughs.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

hatchback beats


What do you do when your in a hatchback with six dudes and no radio? Hatchback beats. "Little Ham 'n Eggs comin' at ya, hold on people hope ya got your griddles.."

Monday, August 1, 2011

sepak takraw

quite possibly the craziest sport ever, sepak takraw. red #1 jocking on everybody.

Monday, June 6, 2011

player x is a punk

"please sit down channing frye i do not want to embarass you anymore"

A while back I tried to read a column on Unfortunately, it was an insider article so I could not read it because I am not about to pay however much a month to help ESPN rip off the DP show some more -- 10 second mark. This saddened me. My buddy, a Miami Heat fan (don't hold that against him) does have it though, and after numerous hours of trying to find the column written by Player X, I sat down for the read. The Art of Trash-Talking, headlined by none other than Kevin Garnett. 
     Believe me, I know KG talks the most trash out of anyone currently in the league. AND I LOVE IT. I'm also not naive enough to believe that KG doesn't from time to time if not crosse the line, definitely tip toe it. Although I find it quite hysterical, that he once told a LA Laker ball boy that he'd have a better chance of finding Bin Laden than getting an autograph from him. I understand how some could take offense to that, but c'mon people it's Boston v. LA!
     If anyone honestly believes he called Charlie Villanueva a cancer patient than you bust really have it out for Garnett. Coach Doc Rivers vouched for him clearly stated that he did not in any way shape or form say he had cancer, but he was a cancer to this league, which if you asked most people would be spot on. How about you cry some more Charlie, what's said on the court should be left on the court.
    He may be a bit out of line from time to time, but he is most certainly not a "punk" or a "coward" . For the most part KG talks to himself, as weird as that may be, to pump himself up. There's no way in hell you can question Garnett's passion and hunger for success and teamwork.

1:40 to 2:50 mark

     Listen, call me old fashioned, but if you don't like the NBA and the trash talking, physical style of play that goes on now, watch the Bad Boy Pistons or the Knicks vs. anybody in the 90's. Why don't you go ahead and ask Kurt Rambis how he felt after Kevin Mchale tried taking his head off?
     The shit that goes on now couldn't hold a candle next to what took place back then. So you can just get the hell out. And if you disagree with me, just take a listen below to Mark Jackson and the unparalleled Jeff van Gundy who know a thing or two about basketball. I just hope to God that "Player X" is not Joakim Noah or Andrew Bogut. 

If you can honestly tell me you don't want a 14 time All-Star, League MVP, Defensive MVP and numerous time All-NBA First Team Defense player like Kevin Garnett on your team, i'll let you punch me in the groin a la Channing Frye style. 
     In the words of Ron Burgundy, "Go fuck yourself Player X."

Saturday, May 14, 2011

endless summer

good vibrations

Summer is finally here. Nothing like kicking it off right with a little Beach Boys and the ultimate summer anthems. Looking forward to WWE Friday Night Smackdown, NASCAR Nationwide at Iowa Speedway in Newton, Girltalk at 80/35, the Iowa State Fair and sitting out on the patio at Wellman's having some man soda's. We doing it big in the summer of 2011. Stay tuned.

Beach Boys - I Get Around .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

Monday, April 25, 2011

messed around and got a triple double

rajon rondo making new york knick defenders look silly
A weekend filled with NBA playoff basketball games couldn't have gone any better. Not only did the #rondo and the Celtics dismantle the New York Knicks Friday night in Game 3 and eventually being the first team to sweep a series in this year's playoffs, BUT THEY WERE THE FIRST TEAM TO SWEEP A SERIES IN THIS YEAR'S PLAYOFFS!

Of course this doesn't get you any bonus points in the long run, but it is a huge step to getting the C's back on track and looking like a contender again instead of an old washed up team with Jermaine O'Neal on their team. Dear oh dear. 
The Celtics played a very good first two games in Boston. Heading to New York after scraping away two wins thanks to Ray Allen's clutch shooting again, I was a tid bit worried. Rondo was I wrong! 15 points, 20 assists and 11 rebounds later.. I was already looking forward to the Thunder in the FINALS! Okay I wasn't really but I was feeling much better about a Celtic's team in which most "experts" were saying could very well bow out of the playoffs very early. Boy am I glad they get paid a whole lot of money to be wrong. Ca'moane C's!

It took me four painfully long games of cheering for the Pacers and numerous weeks of growing out my devastatingly creepy mustache aka the Larry Bird for the Bulls to finally drop a game. After leading what seemed liked 190 of the possible 192 minutes through four games and then being outscored by plus 28 in the fourth quarter, the Pacers finally squeaked out a victory over the Bulls.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not a complete idiot. I know that Derrick Rose will play on his "hobbled" ankle in Game 5, he will have a mind boggling statline, the Bulls will win the series, play inspired against what looks like will be the Atlanta Hawks (seriously? Kirk Hinrich) and be waiting in the Eastern Conference Finals for the beat up winner of the Heat-Celtics series.

But it was awesome to see the Bulls struggle to get past the 8th seeded under .500 Larry Legend built Indiana Pacers. Whom if you would have asked any and every Bulls fans at the start of the series they would have told you the series would be over in three games because the Bulls would win every game by 30 and making the Pacers not want to even show up for an embarrassing game four, inevitably leading David Stern to a complete mental meltdown only Rory McIllroy could explain.

I'm just glad the Bulls didn't sweep okay. Proving to everyone that yes the Bulls won the regular season but, that was just the regular season. Basically what I'm trying to say Bulls fans is that you are not the 1995-1996 Chicago Bulls. Michael Jordan is not on your team and at the end of the day Keith Bogans is in your starting lineup.

hows your eye dwayne wade?
Speaking of not sweeping their cakewalk series. (Did I mention the battered old Celtics did sweep their series? Just checking) The Miami Heat, whom I still think will make it out of the East, couldn't seal the deal on the 76ers this weekend either. The icing on the cake had to have been Jrue Holiday and Lou Williams burying two "no-no-no don't shoottttttt - YESSS!!!!" three point jumpers in the last minute of the game when D-Wade and LeBron couldn't find a way to to put the basket in the hoop. LeBron, seriously, please make a damn last minute shot!

Couldn't go without saying that the West is an absolute "what the f--- is going on here" mess of a show. The Grizzles have a 2-1 lead on the Spurs, dominant. The Thunder are on their way to a series sweep of a Melo-less Thuggets. And Brandon Roy is somehow finding a way to help out the TrailBlazers past the Dallas Nowitzski's, on two bad knees! 

And that about wraps it up. Oh wait. The Lakers are tied with the Hornets. What?!?!?! The New Orleans Hornets??? They still have a team??? This puts such a smile on my face. Charles Barkley summed it up best on this mornings Dan Patrick Show when asked if he thought the Lakers were just simply being out hustled. His response, "That's turrrrible." No that's not really what he said. "The Lakers are always out hustled," Charles mumbled, "but they can be because they were always that much better than everyone. Maybe father of time is finally catching up with them this time though." Well put Chuck. Well put.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

tell your face

Jeff Ross killing it at the Emmit Smith Roast

apps and zerts

I don't care what anyone says. I am a man. And even though I am a man I occasionally enjoy a feminine drink from often to time. The favorite of mine? My kinda world famous homemade sangria recipe. Simply known as..

Did I mention it will get you drunk?

I'm a "Mangria"

1 Bottle o' Burgundy (1.5 liters)
1&1/2 Cups o' Triple Sec
3/4 Cup o' Brandy
6-10 Splashes o' 7up
1 Frozen Tube o' Lemon Juice Concentrate
2 Sliced Green Apples
2 Sliced Oranges
1 Sliced Lime
A Handful o' Cherries
Serve chilled and with only three ice cubes. Add a dash of fruit to your drink. Makes you look oh so sophisticated. Maybe not. Drink up.

Friday, April 22, 2011

this week in pictorials

images that really, world of the day, encapsulated my week. artists, athletes, australia and really small people

kristoffer holmgren - the gnome encounter
the mbuti people

2011 talladega photo finish

australian smash hit comedy, "the castle"

mj dropping 63 on larry legend (4/20/1986)

benjamin wooten - untitled jumper number five

Friday, April 15, 2011

this week in pictorials

a few of my favorite pictures from this very warm then cold and rainy week in iowa

if hitler were a hippy

where boredom meets comedy

daguerreotype resembling "charlie sheen wood"

first ever rolling stone magazine, in newspaper form

wittingly making light of people taking the book way to seriously

high five

Thursday, April 14, 2011

what does this mean

5,000 miles, 2,500 pictures and eleven hours later, this gentleman put together a pretty amazing time lapse video showing the Aurora Borealis on his via Air France flight. Rather amazing to watch and this has to be the only flight I would want to sit next to the "Double Rainbow Guy" on an airplane. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

where's your head-phone disco at?

festival goers at bonnaroo party all night to headphone disco
The other night I attended DogTown After Hours at Drake University. I worked most of the night trying to get a dance party going in my office. No one came. After I finally was allowed to leave my post, I noticed a large gathering of people on stage wearing headphones. No music was playing. But everyone was fist pumping like Ronnie had just broken up with Sammie, again. Simply known as "Headphone Disco," two DJ's from Europe play mash-ups into your headphones while you can walk freely and dance like no one is watching, or listening. Don't knock it until you have strangers looking at you funny while you do the two step wearing a pair of Dre Beats. I got a feeling "Headphone Disco" will be sweeping the USandA very soon. Please!!

More on headphone disco not here. But here.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

grandma's secret

the church of the transfiguration of our savior on kizhi island, russia

There are the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World. Great pyramids. Hanging gardens. Statue of Zeus. Artemis. Mausoleum. Colossus of Rhodes. And lighthouse of Alexandria. There are also the seven new world wonders. The industrial wonders. The underwater wonders. The made up wonders. Iowa's wonders. The not top seven wonders. And so on. I want to share the hidden man made wonders of the world. This church in Russia for example, one of nearly 100 wooden churches in the middle of nowhere Russia, made with a single axe and not a single nail.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

smells like teen spirit

here an ailen like picture titled self portrait

Kurt Cobain allegedly killed himself 17 years ago today joining the notorious twenty-seven club. Kurt was obviously a very dark and negative person that had a lot going on in his life. Being one of the most gifted musicians of all-time, he was also a very talented painter. Numerous of paintings done by Cobain can be found online, and his art can most notably be found on many of Nirvana's album covers. Here's to hoping that being a little crazy isn't a prerequisite to being a marvelously talented artist. Vincent van Gogh anyone?

Monday, April 4, 2011

thee weekend in sports

if there were no sports, who would cheer for the nimrods?
NBA - The Celtics went .500 this weekend, getting use to them not wanting to win lately anywho. Rondo. But the biggest NBA news was the man, the myth, the legend Dennis "the worm" Rodman being selected to the 2011 NBA Hall of Fame. Yes. Averaging 13.1 rebounds a game for his career, Rodman is a lock for my Mount Rushmore of favorite players of all time. Along with Bird, Lebron and Mark Madsen.

NASCAR - Was really hard for me to cheer against Dale Jr. to win the race at Martinsville on Sunday. Took the lead with 30 laps to go but couldn't hold on with a fairly loose car. It was however, not hard for me to cheer for Kevin Harvick back in victory lane, tall boy of Budweiser and all. First time he's won two races back to back since the Fall of 2006. #chevyracing

NCAAB - Although I am getting old of Butler, for reasons unknown.. My bracket is still alive! UCONN continues to not go away, winning their last 10 games in both Big East and NCAA Tournament play. With everyone's bracket being busted early on, my UCONN pick has rocketed me into 1st place in all of the two brackets I entered. Winning me #fivewholedollars and the Sorry I'm Not Sorry challenge. Don't ask.

Cricket - After spending a winter in Australia, cricket became my 4th favorite sport. Right behind NASCAR and right in front of Rock, Paper, Scissors who had a rough weekend. With Australia going through tough times with #winning lately. It was fun to see India get their ever World Cup. Now I can celebrate with my mom's boss Dr. Thakkar and the fifteen annoying kids playing pool every Saturday night at work.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Thursday, March 31, 2011

too violent for the civil war

or a man on an empty stomach

Who wants a boring grave when it's there time to leave earth? Not Robert Clay Allison. Shown above is 'ol Bobby's gravestone. An American gunfighter and one of the most ruthless killers in the Wild Wild West, was discharged from the Civil War for "personality problems" and quite possibly for being a crazed lunatic. Obviously someone with such a grim tombstone must have died a barbaic way right? Naw. Allison fell of his wagon and the rear wheel ran over his neck killing him instantly. Ouch. Robert Clay Allison - He never really figured out how to sit properly on a moving wagon. More on the man with the most bad ass tombstone ever. Wikipedia.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

sears in valley stream

breuer, left = funny.. gadhafi, right = dresses like a clown
Jim Breuer, most recognized for his role in Half Baked (or for having the same day of birth as me!) is an American comedian. Muammar Gadhafi, enjoys listening to Beyonce and being a crazed lunatic. Until the past month or so, I really hadn't heard of Gadhafi. The only place I ever heard of him was on a radio skit Jim Breuer did with Opie and Anothony. Understandably the events in Libya are unfortunate and lets hope Gadhafi chills his grill soon. But this bit is too funny to not venture back to, some of my fondest middle school memories. And that skit is here, thanks to our good friends at youtube Days at Sears.

Monday, March 21, 2011

ninjas don't wear corduroy

michael noland's the starry night
It is not often that I don't find something amazing or interesting on Accidental Mysteries, but this recent post I found most excellent. Michael Noland creates surreal images of historical paintings and landscapes with colorful and exaggerated representations of animals. Shown here is The Starry Night, just one of his amazing pieces done all with oil. More of Noland's work at Tory Folliard Gallery.

Monday, March 14, 2011

just doing work

After annoying my brother for far too long trying to replicate Dan Patrick's  call on the game winner, while trying to watch the video of Kemba Walker and the DP radio show at the same time. I decided it was time to collaborate, with the help of Arcade Fire. Step back!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


"he walked off the plane with the help of no one."

The date is to be determined. More than likely this summer. But the 2nd Annual, or 1st since it has never happened, Boon-a-Palooza. Performances by none other than Shortcut featuring Thunder on drums. Andrew Haigh. Get your ass back to America. In honor of the man, the myth, the legend.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

angry birds


Conan just doing work on this Angry Birds level. Not to thrilled with the fact that Kim Kardashian has now added "singing" to her resume. As if $65 million last year for doing nothing, wasn't enough. Legendary.

Monday, March 7, 2011

top 250

clint, the original american badass

After watching "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" for four and a half hours the other day (terrible idea to watch it on television) I decided I need to start watching better films. With this one being the 4th best of all time according to IMDb, I am going to knock out the Top 250 by.. the end of summer. Go.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

patriots dominate, again

the patriots beat number eight ranked tcu horned frogs 3/1/2011
The Dallas Baptist Patriots, my new favorite baseball team of all time, wins again. What some might consider a David v. Goliath according to the score, Tyler "The Lumberjack" Robbins goes yard to give the Patriots their first, of many runs of the game. Full story.. Patriots win 25-2 over Nawlins

absolutely positively

the netherlands
Some of the world's most breathtaking buildings. My personal favorite shown above, The Institute for Sound and Vision, in the Netherlands. Glad to see The Midwest getting some love down in good old KC. Take a look for yourself over at Yahoo!'s travel page.. Most Beautiful Buildings